We’re located 30 miles out to sea.
It’s easy to get here, but hard to leave.
Scroll down for directions

Nantucket lies 30.9 Miles NNW from Barnstable, MA
49.6 Miles WNW from New Bedford, MA
89.3 Miles NNW from Boston, MA

By Air
From Boston - Cape Air, Jet Blue, United, American
From Hyannis - Cape Air or Rectrix.Aero
From New Beford - Cape Air
The airport is 5 miles from the house.

By Sea
From Hyannis
Hy-Line Cruises: 1 hour fast ferry - foot passengers only
Steamship Authority Ferry: 1 hour fast ferry or 2.5 hour car ferry
From New Bedford Mass
Seastreak Ferry: 2 hour fast ferry - foot passengers only
From Atlantic Highlands stopping in NYC and Martha's Vineyard
Seastreak Ferry: 8 hour fast ferry - foot passengers only

By Land
41.252988ºN, 69.994215ºW
Sea Lion lies 6 miles outside of town in Tom Nevers East.
From Main Street:
Bike: via the 'Sconset Bike Path
Drive: via Milestone Road
Head southwest on Main St toward Pleasant St
LEFT onto Pleasant St
At the traffic circle, take the 2ND EXIT - Sparks Ave
Turn RIGHT onto 'Sconset Bike Path / Milstone Road
Turn RIGHT onto Chuck Hollow Rd
Turn RIGHT onto Parson Ln
Bus: 'Sconset Via Milestone Road
'Sconset Via Old South Road
Chuckhollow Road Stop
walk or bike 3/4 mile to Parson Lane
PO Box 485, Nantucket, MA 02554